5 Things You Should Know about Social Media Engagement

1) Algorithms can't read, but they are set to look at word counts. They give priority to comments of 5 words or more. Let's be vibrant, thoughtful, engaging and kind with our comments. WHY? Vibrant accounts can bring in unexpected opportunities for all of our members!

2) Interaction with people is associated with a greater sense of well-being, while passive reading, scrolling and watching without interaction, tends to make people feel worse. (Source: Facebook Research)

3) We are a Hive Mind group: an entity consisting of a large number of people who share their knowledge with one another. Unlike competitive groups, Hive Mind groups produce a base of knowledge or collective intelligence which is greater than that of just the individual.

4) Sharing posts about Industry News makes us stronger. Posts on our Facebook page are limited to those that benefit the group at large. Posts that give the group a photographic or artistic edge are highly encouraged.

5) Thoughtful Leaders: we want to lead the pack not follow the same old worn out path. This will allow us to partner with industry leaders.


Photo Society MD/VA/DC

We are the "where do I go next?" group.

We are the "what can I do with my photography?" group.

We are the working artists using a camera as our tool to create art group.

We are inclusive and open to photographers and artists of all ages and skill levels



You can find Photo Society MD/VA/DC on Facebook.com, Instagram.com and Meetup.com.

Join us today. We virtually don't care where you live!


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